College Advisors
College Advising
Office Location: Cheadle Hall 1117
Our Advisors
Our advisors come from various educational and professional backgrounds, giving them a wealth of knowledge to support students in their academic journey and career exploration. They collaborate closely with other student service teams on campus to ensure students have the resources they need to make the most of their time here. Collectively, our team has over 100 years of successful advising experience, making us well-prepared to guide you toward your goals during your time at UCSB.
Departmental versus College Advising
UCSB students are expected to work closely with their departmental advisors on matters involving major requirements; academic advising on all other subjects (e.g., general education, graduation, residency) falls primarily to the advisors in the College advising office (Cheadle Hall 1117). To get the most out of UCSB’s advising resources, students are encouraged to develop relationships with both College and departmental advisors.