Academic Challenges

Avoiding Academic Challenges

We encourage all students with concerns about their academic success to meet with a College of Letters and Science advisor and/or with your major department advisor. The best way to avoid academic challenges is to address academic concerns before they become problems.  

What do I do if I’m struggling academically?

Take a breath—academic challenges are a natural part of the university experience. When they arise, here's a few tips to help you steer through your academic journey and maximize your time at UCSB:

Early Action is Key: Address academic concerns before they become bigger problems. Be proactive!

Reach Out to Instructors: Instructors are here to help you grow and learn! Consider attending office hours to clarify doubts with your instructors and teaching assistants (TAs).

Seek Advice: If you face problems during the quarter, meet with our friendly College of Letters and Science Advisors in 1117 Cheadle Hall and/or with your Major department Advisor to discuss your options. You may also visit the Transfer Student Center in the UCSB Library or ONDAS in 1150 Kerr Hall for additional advising. Take advantage of available resources!

Access your Resources: Students have access to many FREE resources listed here:

  • College of Letters & Science Advisors
  • CLAS: Campus Learning Assistance Services is UCSB's tutoring service for all UCSB students.
  • DSP: If you have a disability, work with Disabled Students Program to arrange necessary accommodations.
  • CAPS: If you’re struggling with the emotional ups and downs of life, you may need to reach out to Counseling and Psychological Services.
  • CARE: Campus Advocacy Resources and Education has a 24/7 Confidential phone line (805-893-4613) for students who have experienced sexual assault, relationship violence, stalking or harrassment.

Late Course Decisions: If dropping a course is a consideration, consult with a Letters and Science advisor after. Review the process for petitioning to drop a course after the GOLD deadline.

Know Academic Policies: Familiarize yourself with academic policies, regulations, and degree requirements. Refer to LASAR (Letters and Science Academic Requirements) and the UCSB Catalog.

Stay Informed: Regularly check important academic dates, deadlines and information on the Office of the Registrar's website and on GOLD.

Plan for the Future: Consider your future after graduation with guidance from Career Services. They can assist you with finding the perfect career fit and helping you build an exceptional resume among other resourses!

What does "Academic Review" mean?

If a student’s cumulative GPA is below 2.0, they will be under “Academic Review” (formerly known as “Academic Probation”) the following quarter and be notified by email sent to their UCSB Gmail account. Also, if a student is under "Dean's Review" and is continued for the following quarter then they will be under "Academic Review" for that quarter. This is an opportunity for the student to work with Letter and Science Advising to assess their situation and connect them to resources needed to be successful. 

While under “Academic Review” a student:

  • May be required to meet with a Letters and Science advisor to review their future courses.
  • Can enroll in a maximum of 17 units.
  • Must only take courses for a Letter Grade, unless "Passed/Not Passed” is the only grading option.
  • Is still eligible to petition to drop a course or to request an "Incomplete" during the quarter if needed. See "Incomplete Grade Request" posted on the Office of the Registrar website.

What happens next?

  • If you earn a 2.0 quarter GPA or higher while under “Academic Review” and have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 after the quarter, you'll return to “Regular Academic Status.”
  • If your cumulative GPA is still below 2.0, and/or your quarter GPA while under "Academic Review" was below a 2.0, you will be under “Dean’s Review” after the quarter.

What does "Dean's Review" mean?

Students are under "Dean’s Review" if they have a quarter GPA below 1.5 or while on "Academic Review" they earned a quarter GPA below a 2.0 and/or their cumulative GPA is below 2.0. At this time, the College reviews the student’s record and considers whether a student needs to take specific steps to be enrolled the next quarter under "Academic Review" or whether the student needs a break in enrollment to reassess their situation and repair their GPA.  As part of the "Dean’s Review" process a student may be required to submit an Academic Self-Reflection. Students under “Dean's Review” after the Spring Quarter are always required to submit an Academic Self-Reflection.

After reviewing a student’s record and Academic Self-Reflection, the Dean will make one of the following determinations:

1, Reinstate the student, allowing them to remain enrolled under “Academic Review.” The student will then be required to meet with an advisor and may need to follow an Academic Enrollment Agreement which specifies additional conditions for their continued enrollment, or

2. Decide the student needs a break in enrollment. This means the student will be “Academically Disqualified” from the quarter, allowing time to address the challenges keeping them from being successful.

What is "Academic Disqualification"?

Students are "Academically Disqualified" and are required to take a break in their enrollment to protect them from further harming their academic record and potentially not being able to complete their degree. In almost every case, it is temporary. It is the goal of the College of Letters & Science to work with students so that they are ready to return to UCSB at the appropriate time. Students should meet with a Letters and Science Advisor to discuss their unique situation and develop a plan to continue progress towards graduation.

Steps to Return and Complete Your Degree

If you have been cademically disqualified and have not been enrolled at UCSB for at least a quarter, follow these steps:

  1. Speak to a Letters & Science Advisor to guide you through the steps to be reinstated.
  2. Complete a Readmission/Reinstatement form for the quarter you wish to return. This form is available in the “Forms” section of the Office of the Registrar’s website.
  3. Complete an Academic Self-Reflection and submit it to
  4. Continue working with Letters & Science advising quarterly to ensure you are on track for degree completion!