
About the Program

Please note our new Pre-Law Drop-ins for summer 24 below. Separately, after you schedule your appointment, please email the respective pre-law advisor (see our emails below) if you would like to ask to change your appointment to zoom or in person. 

A message from our Pre-Law Advisors

Law is a complex, competitive field that remains a popular career option among students at UCSB. If you are attracted to the law profession, we invite you to meet with us to explore your interests in law and discuss an individualized plan tailored to your interests, goals, and personal circumstances. UCSB’s Pre-Law Advising program is designed to help students in three general ways, through individual advising meetings and a variety of events: 1) exploring your interests in law, 2) planning considerations at all points of your academic program and support during the application process, and 3) beyond the admissions process, discuss considerations for preparation and a successful transition to law school. Please note that we advise and provide support to current UCSB students and alumni, as well as undergraduate and graduate students across our three UCSB colleges that are interested in going to law school. 

If you are interested in pursuing law, whether you are a current student or alumni, we encourage you to connect with us through the resources listed below:

  1. For brief, urgent, or time-sensitive questions discussing one or two topics, sign up for virtual drop-in/phone-in meetings during the following time blocks exclusively: Our summer pre-law drop-in hours, starting break week, are Tuesdays, 1-3:30PM. Sign up through this QLess link. As soon as you sign up, during these specific time blocks, we will call you back within minutes (virtual drop-ins are NOT scheduled in advance and are only available during these time blocks).
    (*) Please note that appointments and drop-ins are not available the first two weeks of the quarter.
  2. Half hour pre-law appointments scheduled in advance through this different appointment scheduling link: Outside of the pre-law virtual drop-in blocks noted above, to schedule a half-hour phone appointment in advance, you can select this appointment scheduling link. If phone is inconvenient for any reason and you would like to meet via Zoom or in person, please email the pre-law advisor with whom you scheduled the appointment to request a Zoom link or an in-person meeting (which may require rescheduling because of our hybrid schedule). We can assist you throughout every stage of your undergraduate program and every stage of your pre-law journey. Connect with us as early as you can, we are here to assist you as you consider the field of law, preparing for the application process and developing a timeline that works for you.
  3. Talk to people who have a connection to the legal profession. This is the best way to get an insiders perspective on what it's like to practice in given field of law. One recommendation is connecting with lawyers you may know or have access to through your social networks and ask them what it's like to practice in that field. You also have access to many UCSB alumni in law through the Gauchos in Law Group, through the UCSB Gaucho Network. Lawyers in the group will indicate their willingness to connect with you. It is never too early to begin connecting with lawyers. To prepare for these conversations, or 'informational interviewing', meet with Careers Services for tips.
  4. Consider visiting Career Services office, which is another helpful resource for students exploring law. There, Maya Hargens, a career advisor with a focus on law, can assist you in exploring the legal profession and assessing whether or not the field is fitting to your strengths and preferences.
  5. Click the following link for information on joining our listserv to receive pre-law event announcements.
  6. Finally, please take the time to explore our website.  Whether you already have begun the law school application process or you are in the first stages of considering the law profession, I am confident that you will find some helpful information.

For quick questions by email or to set up an appointment if you are unable to do so through the resources above, please send us a message, to Miguel Moran-Lanier at or to Yessica Vazquez Arroyo at Whether you are just considering law school or you are in the application process, we look forward to meeting with you, answering your questions, and providing guidance at any stage of your process.


Yessica Vazquez Arroyo & Miguel Morán-Lanier
Pre-Law Advisors

Application Process

While not particularly complicated, the process of applying to law school can be very time-consuming. The following will help guide you through the process: Law  Application Process