Fulbright Program

Estimated annual campus deadline: No mandatory campus deadline for Undergraduates. National deadline in October each year.

Graduate Division coordinates submission for all UCSB Fulbright applicants, but does not provide feedback on application materials. Students seeking Fulbright application feedback from our office should share their application with us at least one month before the national deadline.

Fulbright supports up to one year of international funding for recent undergraduates, masters recipients, and current graduates students. The Fulbright may be utilized to explore research interests, graduate or independent study projects, and/or English teaching opportunities in participating countries. The program purpose is to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and other countries through the exchange of persons, knowledge, and skills. Selection is based on the applicant’s academic or professional record, language preparation, the feasibility of the proposed study project, and personal qualifications.

Eligibility: U.S. citizens; seniors or recent graduates; in good health as certified by a satisfactory Medical Certificate; sufficient proficiency in the written and spoken language of the host country

Award amount: varies by program and country; for all programs, covers round-trip transportation to the host country, room, board, incidental costs, and accident & sickness health benefits. See the Fulbright Website Award Benefits page for additional details.

Campus nomination: Campus nomination is not required for undergraduate Fulbright applicants at UCSB. Students should apply directly by the national deadline as posted on the Fulbright Website Application Timeline page.

UCSB campus application information

Scholarship Deadline: 

October 8, 2024

Expanded Scholarship Details: 

Fulbright provides to one year of international funding for recent undergraduates, masters recipients, and current graduates students. The Fulbright may be utilized to explore research interests, graduate or independent study projects, and/or English teaching opportunities in participating countries. The program purpose is to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and other countries through the exchange of persons, knowledge, and skills. Selection is based on the applicant’s academic or professional record, language preparation, the feasibility of the proposed study project, and personal qualifications.

Minimum eligibility requirements for undergraduates from the Fulbright website:

  • Applicants must be citizens or nationals of the United States of America at the time of application.  Permanent residents are not eligible. Please review the Ineligibility section below in relation to the eligibility of dual citizens.
  • Applicants must have a conferred bachelor's degree or equivalent before the start of the grant.
  • Applicants must be in good health. Grantees will be required to submit a satisfactory Medical Certificate from a physician.
  • Applicants must have sufficient proficiency in the written and spoken language of the host country sufficient to communicate with the people and to carry out the proposed study/research. This is especially important for projects in the social sciences and the humanities.

Current UCSB undergraduates are not required to submit materials by any campus deadline and do not participate in any campus interview or selection process. Undergraduates are encouraged consult with Undergraduate Education for feedback on application materials. For feedback, your complete Fulbright application and all letters of recommendation should be shared with our office at least 30 days prior to the national deadline. For final submission, the application must be submitted through Graduate Division by the national deadline.

See the Fulbright Website Application Components page for the official requirements depending on the program chosen.

Final Fulbright application submission should be coordinated with Graduate Division at UCSB. For general questions regarding the Fulbright application process at UCSB, and for instructions on submission, contact  Anna Theogarajan, Assistant Director of Graduate Studies, at Anna.Theogarajan@sa.ucsb.edu.

Undergraduate Education contact: For support and feedback on application essays/materials, contact the Undergraduate Education National Scholarships coordinator at scholarships@ltsc.ucsb.edu.